Jonathan Pitre's friend and fellow EB sufferer takes up his torch
Deanna Molinaro, of Hamilton, has the same form of EB that afflicted her friend, Jonathan Pitre. Molinaro is hosting an online fundraiser for the EB charity, DEBRA Canada, on Aug. 6 during which she'll offer a virtual art lesson.

Jonathan Pitre, mom Tina Boileau receive meritorious service awards from Governor General
The late Jonathan Pitre and his mother, Tina Boileau, are being honoured this Canada Day for their work in raising awareness of the rare and devastating skin disease that eventually claimed Pitre's life.
Governor General Julie Payette is awarding the Meritorious Service Cross to Pitre posthumously and the Meritorious Service Medal to Boileau.
New French Catholic school in Ottawa to be named after Jonathan Pitre
A new elementary school in Riverside South will be named after Jonathan Pitre, an Ottawa-area boy who spent years raising awareness about a rare and debilitating skin condition he was born with, Ottawa’s French Catholic school board says.

Debra Canada expecting awareness will only grow in wake of Pitre's passing
The loss of Ottawa's Jonathan Pitre is expected to propel the fight against EB.
Debra Canada works to raise money and awareness in order to support those dealing with the extremely rare and painful blistering skin condition.
Chair of the charity Jay Wilson told Ottawa Today with Mark Sutcliffe, the difference between where their cause stood before and after Pitre's case became public is "night and day."

Charity Spotlight - DEBRA

Group Name: DEBRA