EB Resources
For EB Families and Supporters!
Learn more about EB, many of these resources will help with your fundraising and awareness initiatives.
EB Awareness Social Media Downloads - Coming Soon!

EB Awareness Ribbon
Download this image of the EB Awareness Week Ribbon.

COVID-19 Information booklet
Information and recommendations for the EB Community.

EB Handbook
A handbook for eb patients and families, developed by the section of dermatology at the hospital for sick children with the support of Debra Canada.

EB Fact Sheet
This informative fact sheet provides a deeper understanding into the rare genetic skin condition Epidermolysis Bullosa.

DEBRA Fact Sheet
Learn more about DEBRA Canada, our charities mission and purpose, our programs and services and more.

DEBRA Brochure
Download our low-rez charity PDF brochure. If you would like to receive a high rez email version or receive hard printed copies of our charity brochure, contact Erin Hoyos, our Secretary or call 1-800-313-3012.

What is EB? Infographics
A great visual/poster explaining what EB is, the three sub-types/ symptoms, treatments and more!

I have EB Awareness Card
DEBRA has created 2 x 3.5 inch EB Cards that can be passed out in the community — to business owners, other parents, and neighbours– quickly explaining what EB is and how it affects you/your child. Order a FREE set of 30 cards by emailing our Secretary, Erin Hoyos or calling 1-800-313-3012; or download and print as many as you need. Download to Avery Card Stock 2×3.5 inch.