10th Annual DEBRA Canada Bella's Ball

February 21-27, 2022
10th Annual Bella's Ball

Spread the word through #bellasballoffriction and on our instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/bellasballoffriction/


Dear Bella’s Ball Supporters,

Due to the unrelenting pandemic, we feel safety must be top of mind and hence forgo our traditional Broomball event. Next year, we hope we can put COVID behind us, and once again gather for some good old-fashioned Broomball at the Peak of Vancouver, Grouse Mountain.

In the meantime, we are requesting that our Supporters take part in our virtual Bella’s Ball of Friction Activity Challenge (the week of February 21-27, 2022) in support of DEBRA Canada’s programs and services.

By participating in YOUR activity of choice, you can continue to raise awareness and support for Canadian families affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). If you donate and join our Strava group and complete seven straight days of activity or up to 3.5 hrs of ANY ‘friction-based activity’ during this time, we will send you a prize in the mail.

Visit our Bella’s Ball of Friction Fundraising Page to learn more, click here

Get Active and Participate!

Don’t take for granted what all those who suffer from EB only wish they can do.

Last year, Raquel put in six days of sit-skiing and missed one day due to wound management. This year, we plan to complete all seven days, with some better teamwork from her dad who will try his best not to crash.

Last year, Raquel ‘Bella’ and I had a recent conversation based on, “What sport can I do?”. She is reminded many times a day what she can’t or shouldn’t do. In fact, despite having Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa she remains a decent athlete with a fierce spirit. Knowing she will suffer on the other side, or in moments from attempting a sport she has already tried (cross country running, murderball, hockey, California kick ball, and each time came away with wounds or mishaps and a realization of the dangers). Yet she was still hoping and asking if she missed something, a perfect sport that she could participate in?

It was a near-impossible conversation as a father, to run down each sport that could cause significant damage to her skin, let alone be in a position where she could be run over by another athlete or hit by an object causing instant damage. And then, explain where her reduced speed and agility are hindered by existing or potential wounds, making it very difficult to participate in most activities I could think of.

The fact remains, skiing in her sit-ski that DEBRA Canada provided for her as an EB Ambassador in 2018, is the sport. Where else can she hurtle down a mountain, go off jumps, race against other kids with the wind and weather in her face, ski alongside friends and if a mishap does occur, slide (for the most part) safely to a stop without adverse friction? DEBRA Canada made that difference in her life, in a major part, because of this event.


Pictured above: Grouse Mountain Tyee – U12 Tyee Cup, January 2020, Giant Slalom Forerunner - Raquel Hultman (Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa)

Please join us again in making a difference in the lives of existing and future families affected by EB. It can’t be stated enough how much donations through this event have pushed forward DEBRA Canada to a relevant and productive charitable organization for those suffering from Epidermolysis Bulllosa (EB) 10 years running.

Warmest Regards

Ryan Hultman – Vice President DEBRA Canada

Here’s How You Can Help! – Become a Bella’s Ball Fundraiser!

Visit our Bella’s Ball of Friction Fundraising Page. To create your own fundraising page or to make a donation to the organization page, click here

Our goal is to raise $30,000.00. We hope you will consider creating a fundraising page or make a donation to this organization event page (scroll down to make a donation). All donations receive an immediate PDF tax receipt via email.

Step One: To register as a participant by creating your Bella’s Ball of Friction fundraising page. Click on the "Create my own fundraising page". (Be sure to create your page by Tuesday, Feb 15, 2022, so you have time to announce / share your fundraising page link with your network of family, friends, etc.). Click here to create your fundraising page.

Create a Fundraising Page as an:

Individual Participant – Collect or donate a minimum $45 in donations to your Bella’s Fundraising Page.

Family Participant (any size same household) – Collect or donate a minimum $120 in donations to your Fundraising Page.

Non-Family Group Cohort (4) – Collect or donate a minimum $120 in donations to your Fundraising Page.

Corporate Office Group (up to 10) – Collect or donate a minimum $500 in donations to your Corporate Office Fundraising Page.

Once you have created a page, you can customize your page with a picture of yourself or your group and customize YOUR STORY - explaining why you are getting involved in this special fitness/activity fundraiser. Be sure to spread the word and share your page link with your network of family, friends, work colleagues, etc. and ask them to make a donation to your page to help you fundraise in support of the 10th Annual Bella's Ball of Friction Virtual Fundraiser.

Be sure to include a link to our Bella's Ball of Friction Strava Club Page (see details below), so you can show your results of your fitness tracking.

Step Two: Join our Bella’s Ball of Friction Strava Club Page https://www.strava.com/clubs/836758

Join our Bella’s Ball of Friction Club page on Strava. It's here where you can post the results of your daily fitness activity for the week of February 21-27,2022. As the Strava mantra goes… if it didn’t get recorded, it didn’t happen, but in this instance, DEBRA will not hold it against you and will trust in everyone’s ability to track and share all activities. Upload the activity, date, time, length of time and or distance and a photo being out and about, in the gym or even walking with Jim.

Raquel, Sister, Mom and Dad plan like last year to ski 7 days in a row, see if you can match us!

We can't thank you enough for helping us to fundraise during these challenging times.


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